Why choose ovo

clinique ovo is a Quebec-based medical clinic founded by five obstetrician-gynecologists who have been working in the field of reproductive and obstetrical health for nearly 20 years. We are known for our expertise and our high success rate, as well as for our warm, human and personalized service. When you receive care at clinique ovo, you will benefit from the expertise and complete attention of our medical team. We will reassure and support you throughout your care with us and do everything possible to make your experience positively memorable.

Mission and values


Achieve your dream of a family, with innovative services and a passionate team


EXCELLENCE in innovation and technologies
ENGAGEMENT based on listening and passion, worthy of your trust
ETHICS guided by respect, integrity, and confidentiality

ovo in numbers

Progressive pregnancy rate

Percentage of embryo survival at thawing

*These statistics are for so-called "standard" patients. Standard patients are defined according to these criteria: under 38 years of age, on their first or second attempt, who have had at least 6 oocytes retrieved. The first embryo transfer, fresh or frozen, is included in the analysis. This data is for the year of 2020.

The only clinic in Quebec with an extended partnership offer with egg banks.

More than 30 locations in Quebec for prenatal testing

More than 3000 samples in our family bank

More than 200 tests available

More than 100 published scientific publications and more than 2206 patients who have participated in our projects



clinique ovo was founded by 5 obstetrician-gynecologists (OB/GYNs)


Creation of ovo prenatal, an integrated prenatal screening centre involving specialized physicians, geneticists and scientists.


Several OB/GYNs are added to ovo fertility to better meet the demand.


Founding of ovo biosurance, the first family stem cell bank in Quebec.


Creation of ovo lab and the first prenatal screening test created by The ovo clinic


Creation of ovo r&d, dedicated to improving knowledge in the fields of gynecology, obstetrics, fertility and genetics.


clinique ovo opens new locations to serve the South Shore of Montreal and Quebec City


ovo prenatal opens new locations in Terrebonne and Quebec City


ovo prenatal offers new points of service in Laval and Boisbriand


clinique ovo joins The Fertility Partners, a network of renowned fertility clinics experiencing the fastest growth in Canada.


clinique ovo merges with Procrea Montreal, and concentrates all the knowledge and expertise of both clinics at our Montreal location.


ovo prenatal now has a collection centre in Vaudreuil and Drummondville.


Integration of Procréa into our network thus becoming OVO Gatineau

Meet our team

Meet our dedicated team of experts in fertility, who are here to support you in your fertility journey.

The future is in research

Our research focuses on the discovery of new methods of prenatal screening, genetic diagnostic tools and the evaluation of new treatments in reproductive medicine. By focusing the expertise already in place at clinique ovo, the ovo r&d team can expand its research activities to provide more options to patients in need.


clinique ovo is proud to welcome fellows to help them further their knowledge in the field of women's health and thus contribute to education in the medical field. Our partnership with UdeM allows us to provide these future specialists with a stimulating and formative learning environment. To date, we have more than 35 fellows who have completed their training with us and are now practicing as fertility specialists around the world.


Accreditation Canada



We are proud to have obtained the Accreditation Canada Citation in 2014, in 2018 and again in 2022 with Honorable Mention. This is the highest Canadian distinction for a fertility clinic. This confirms our commitment to supporting a continuous improvement program and maintaining the highest quality of care and services. ovo labo also obtained the Honourable Mention in 2021. 


The AABB is an international organization that sets quality standards for blood banking and transfusion medicine. ovo biosurance voluntarily undergoes assessments by AABB experts every two years to maintain accreditation.

Health Canada

Health Canada is a federal government agency responsible for protecting and improving the health of Canadians. One of their responsibilities is to inspect health care facilities, including laboratories and cord blood banks. We undergo assessments every two years.

World premieres

The medical team of ovo fertility was at the origin of two world premieres that opened new horizons for people with infertility:


  • A successful nIVF using epididymal sperm: the nIVF becomes a simple therapeutic alternative for couples whose spouse had a vasectomy (May 2004).
  • A successful egg donation collected in natural cycle: nIVF becomes a tool to facilitate egg donation (April 2007)
Contact us

Our team is here to help you, whatever your needs are.


Inclusion of all gender and sexually diverse people is an important value of clinique ovo. We are continuously striving to create an environment of compassionate belonging where all of the LGBTQ2SIA+ community are supported, valued and respected.

The clinique ovo is located in unceded Indigenous territory. The Kanien’kehá: ka Nation is recognized as the guardian of Montreal / Tiohtiá: ke.

© All rights reserved ovo group 2023